Birth Chart - Astrology readings | by Nina Zube

from £30.00

Tap into your cosmic potential with the astrological birth chart Readings by Nina Zube.

Imagine, at the moment of your birth, the planets and luminaries in the sky were telling a story – your story.

Astrology is a beautiful language and tool to better understand and honour our interconnectedness with the cosmos.  It dates back thousands of years and still today, everybody knows their star sign. Astrology is much more complex than one might imagine.  Your birth chart alone holds so much information, that one could easily make a book out of it. 

​Better yet: Let Nina help you decode your birth chart and let the stars unfold for you.

Choose between receiving a digital reading, a video explaining the reading or a live video chat directly with Nina.

Readings are explained below.

Type of Reading:
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  • Nina Zube is a cosmic Artist and Illustrator. She loves creating meaningful and beautiful content that connects on a deeper level with the viewer. Inspired by ancient cultures, myths, astrology and all that involves experiencing life in a more magical and cosmic way, her work aims to express that sense of wonder.






Perfect gift & treat

PDF that includes:

- Unique birth chart design
- Small overview planets, signs and houses
- Three to four written pages
(explains: sun-, ascendant- and moon-sign,
karmic lessons, most important areas)

​At check out you can:

- Ask a certain question for the reading*
- Order it as a gift for someone else


- Name
- Date (e.g. 17.02.1993)
- Precise birth time & location (e.g. 4.40 pm, Duisburg)


45 MIN

Get to know your chart

Video chat or recording that includes:
- Unique birth chart design
- Small overview planets, signs and houses
 - Explaining: sun-, ascendant- and moon-sign,
karmic lessons, most important areas

At check out you can:
- Ask a certain question for the reading*
- Order it as a gift for someone else
- Choose if you want a video chat or a video explaining the chart to you.

- Name
- Date (e.g. 17.02.1993)
- Precise birth time & location (e.g. 4.40 pm, Duisburg)


90 MIN

Unfold the stars within

Video chat or recording that includes:

- Unique birth chart design
- Small overview planets, signs and houses
- Explaining: sun-, ascendant- and moon-sign,
karmic lessons, most important areas
- Major themes of your life right now and in the near future

At check out you can:
- Ask a certain question for the reading*
- Order it as a gift for someone else.

- Name
- Date (e.g. 17.02.1993)
- Precise birth time & location (e.g. 4.40 pm, Duisburg)


*If there are certain areas in your life that you wish to focus on in the reading, please let Nina know. This could include e.g. questions about love, career, health, future, etc.